Tuesday, June 10, 2008



Monday, June 2, 2008

忍者外傳2 獨家銀幕首玩禮現場直擊 之 女忍者三人組


Saturday, May 31, 2008

忍者外傳2 獨家銀幕首玩禮現場直擊

為迎接Xbox 360大作『忍者外傳2』的推出,Microsoft於5月30日舉辦了一個『忍者外傳2』造勢大會。 除了專程從日本請來Team Ninja 開發團隊親臨香港,更邀請了香港藝人呂慧儀和葉翠翠扮演遊戲裏的女角色。

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

忍者外傳2 獨家銀幕首玩禮

在長久的期待下,賣座動作遊戲「忍者外傳」的真正續集「忍者外傳2 」終於在 Xbox 360 上獨家登場!為隆重其事,Xbox 360 邀請到Team Ninja 開發團隊親臨香港,率先披露部分「忍者外傳2 」中的獨門秘技,並與一眾機迷交流及切磋技術,共渡一個難忘的週五晚上!

日期: 30/5/2008 (星期五)
時間:下午6 時至9 時半
地點:九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西1 號Elements 2 樓(港鐵九龍站)The Grand 戲院


1. 發售前夕全港首次公開試玩「忍者外傳2 」
2. 全港首次以DLP (Digital Light Processing)數碼投影機在26x11呎巨大銀幕投射高清遊戲畫面,再加上戲院獨有可因應超低音頻而令座位產生震動的 Infrasonic系統,帶給你無與倫比的震撼體驗。
3. 美女忍者隨時現身,陪你影相
4. 請你睇周星馳監製的最新功夫作品「少林少女」

請立即將您的姓名、聯絡電話及玩家代號電郵至 NinjaGaiden2@grandsky.hk 登記,並攜同確認電郵出席活動。

1. 首玩禮參加名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
2. 每人(每個有效Xbox LIVE玩家代號)只限登記一次及只獲入場資格一個。
3. 申請者將於完成電郵登記後72 小時內獲發確認電郵。
4. 申請者必須完成電郵登記,並攜同確認電郵按時出席活動,方可參與上列節目。
5. 如有任何爭議,Microsoft 保留最終決定權。

如有任何查詢,請致電Xbox 360 香港客戶服務熱線:800-964-215

Friday, May 16, 2008

傳聞:Xbox Live春季更新內容

網上正流傳一份疑似是Xbox Live春季更新的內容。其中一些值得注意的內容包括可容許遊戲安裝(Support for titles to store installation data on Storage Device for faster loading)和動作感應裝置的調校(Calibration options for motion sensor devices)。

以下是這次Xbox Live傳聞春季更新的全部內容(英語)。

1. Option to delay sign-in to Xbox LIVE upon booting console (to allow user to set Online Status).
2. Option to promote Child Account from Family Settings.
3. Disallow Child Accounts (over 18) to override Family Settings by launching Privacy Settings through a title.
4. Option in Family Settings for Child Accounts to enable child-oriented/non-mature advertisements.
5. Introduce a group chat (4) for Private Chat and conferences through Video Chat.
6. Support to indicate media being watched to gamercard status (video content from Marketplace only).
7. Extend height for Bio field in Personal Profile, easier navigation through text.
8. More fields present in Personal Profile - recent achievements, interests, games, movies, links, custom section.
9. Compact Personal Profile for new fields (navigating to field will open it up).
10. Mandatory option to delete duplicate titles from gamercard (excludes Games for Windows - LIVE). User disconnected from Xbox LIVE when booting any title until action complete.
11. Option to remove payment information from gamertag.
12. New payment methods for international users.
13. Download History on Account Management better organized - games, genre, type, download date, miscellaneous.
14. Long descriptions of items on Marketplace can be scrolled using right stick.
15. Better organization of free content on Marketplace.
16. Option to 'ping' when testing connection.
17. Allow re-connection to Xbox LIVE if Ethernet cable is re-inserted whilst powered on.
18. New strip colors available to developers, staff gamercards.
19. New corner icon available to ambassadors.
20. Re-introduce Messages button for Inside Xbox updates only.
21. Option to store up to 10 messages permanently on server (excludes invites, status messages).
22. Increase character limit for text messages between friends only.
23. Option to disable invites from non-friends or all players.
24. Option to disable invites from titles not on gamercard (excludes demos).
25. Option to have smaller items moved up in Active Downloads.
26. Automatically re-connect to Xbox LIVE if disconnected unexpectedly (set intervals).
27. Option to download gamer picture (if available) from a gamercard being viewed.
28. Display random tips to replace static text on Xbox LIVE and Games blades.
29. New button on Marketplace for optional dashboard features - uses Storage Device memory.
30. Option to donate Microsoft Points to anybody with a Windows Live ID.
31. Option to purchase Membership for charities (includes benefits).
32. Integrate file-sharing for selected titles on Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows - LIVE.
33. Disable notifications to friends of user repeatedly signing into service (set period).
34. Option to see 'snippet' of text message in notification.
35. Windows Live Mail integration - includes support for Xbox LIVE Vision.
36. Web feeds integration - text, images, audio. Includes support for specific item codes on Marketplace.
37. Option to display gamer picture or standard picture as display picture in Windows Live Messenger.
38. Support for headset, Xbox LIVE Vision in Windows Live Messenger.
39. Support for limited 'winks' that display on dashboard interface. Option to disable 'winks' and 'nudges' added.
40. Notifications separate from Windows Live Messenger to Xbox 360 notifications.
41. Disable multiple languages from being used in any Xbox LIVE editable fields.

1. Option to delete titles from gamercard with 0 gamerscore and 0 achievements (excludes some titles that will be re-added to launch another title).
2. Organize My Games at the Games Library section better (includes disc-based titles) - sort by genre, platform (Games for Windows - LIVE), percentage completion.
3. Support to display friends leaderboards for disc-based titles.
4. Show dates of an achievement unlocked when comparing.
5. Preload Games Library upon dashboard bootup for faster access.
6. Game updates now shown as items in Memory, increased amount of updates on Storage Device.
7. Option to delete game updates, removed 'cheat code' as no longer needed.
8. Support for more titles to display banner when accessing guide in-game.
9. Option to re-introduce awarded gamer pictures from titles that do not have their own re-introduce feature (requires saved game).
10. Disable gamer pictures from being awarded from trials.
11. Support for titles to store installation data on Storage Device for faster loading.
12. Synchronization to achievements offline/online that were deleted and then re-added from developers.

1. Option to hold LT and RT for rewinding/fast-forwarding video content.
2. Option to delete individual music tracks from storage device.
3. Option to rip music CD at different quality.
4. Copy non-protected files (pictures, music, videos) from USB storage devices, CDs and computers to proprietary storage devices.
5. Support for menu, top-menu features on video content downloaded from Marketplace.
6. Section added for audio delivered through feeds (podcasts). Option to stream, download to Storage Device.
7. Support added for video titles/description to gamercard status.

1. Option to navigate quickly out of several menus back to respective blade home (applies to Games, Media, System).
2. New blade trim styles added.
3. Introduce expanded Inside Xbox as a portal to news, weather, entertainment, help and community features.
4. New sounds for various functions (notifications, blades, navigation).
5. Calibration options for display/sound.
6. Calibration options for motion sensor devices.
7. New effects for Xbox LIVE Vision and dashboard background.
8. Disable changing of Theme when on Memory to prevent 'hanging'.
9. Preload recent, limited items upon dashboard bootup on Memory.
10. Faster loading of Themes section on guide.
11. Option to see what items will not work offline due to DRM license changing from Memory.
12. Option to automatically associate new DRM to items downloaded for free.
13. Indicate 'charging' status on guide when Play & Charge kit is connected.
14. Option to change text colors on guide to better contrast some backgrounds.
16. Language improvements.
18. Word censor updated for fields.
19. Privacy Settings/Family Settings updated for new features.
20. Voice, picture messages can be read at Xbox.com (Gold accounts).

Xbox 360美國銷量達1000萬部

微軟昨天宣布,Xbox 360在美國的累積銷售量己經超過1000萬部,是第一部次世代遊戲機實現這個目標。直到目前為止,Xbox 360在全球己售出了超過1900萬部。Xbox Live用戶量也突破1200萬人。此外,微軟還調Xbox 360擁有業內最高的軟/硬件銷售比,平均每一部售出的Xbox 360遊戲機就會帶來7個遊戲的銷售。

Thursday, May 15, 2008


微軟呈獻「Xbox 360慈善打機馬拉松及義賣籌款日」


微軟宣佈於5月17日至18日於旺角朗豪坊舉行【Xbox 360慈善打機馬拉松及義賣籌款日】,過萬件遊戲及精品義賣,更於現場特設多部Xbox 360遊戲機,有興趣的朋友只需捐出善款,便可即時試玩多款Xbox 360遊戲,同心為四川大地震的災民籌集善款,而所有籌得的善款,將全數撥捐救世軍,作賬濟四川大地震之用,為災民伸出援手。

於5月17日至18日期間,全港市民到旺角朗豪坊B2樓層舉行的【Xbox 360慈善打機馬拉松及義賣籌款日】,即可參加義賣活動,以慈善心意價購買過萬件Xbox 360精選遊戲、遊戲精品、微軟流動鯊及鍵盤。藝人官恩娜將於5月17日下午現身會場,參與義賣及慈善打機馬拉松,大力支持善擧。另外,市民亦可努力捐輸,支持慈善打機馬拉松活動,為四川大地震的災民表達關懷。Xbox 360亦將於現場設置多部遊戲機,市民只需隨緣樂助,即可試玩Xbox 360多款遊戲。


Xbox 360四川大地震義賣籌款日
第一節:下午2時30分-3時30分 嘉賓:官恩娜
第二節:下午3時30分-4時30分 嘉賓:動漫Maggie李曼筠、樊少皇、譚俊彥及梁凱迪
‧多款Xbox 360遊戲及精品義賣
‧市民只需隨緣樂助,即可參加Xbox 360慈善打機馬拉松及試玩多款遊戲





Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1942 - 熱血回歸

仲記得80年代街機最光輝時,每天放學後第一時間衝去機打機。當時一係玩『雙節龍』,一係就玩『1942』。過了20年後的今天,CAPCOM終於把1942從新推出!今次CAPCOM會將遊戲畫面作大幅度化,更支援Xbox Live對戰,所以一定不能錯過!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Monday, May 12, 2008

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit 《七龍珠 Z:突破極限》

之前己介紹過《忍者外傳 2》和《Mobile Suit Gundam–Operation: Troy》兩個Xbox 360的日系主打遊戲。其實還有一個日系遊戲會在6月推出,這就是《七龍珠 Z:突破極限》

連計5月推出的《Lost Planet Colonies》,己有4個日系遊戲相繼在Xbox 360上推出。以後唔好再話Xbox 360無日式遊戲啦!


多謝各位參與HK Xboxer Blog舉辦的Ikaruga『斑鳩』送出活動!

這次活動比較上一次『Xbox Live 5週年慶祝活動』得到更廣泛回應,參加人數高出名額的三倍。我們對結果感到非常鼓舞,再次多謝各位xboxer的支持和參與。

以後請多多留意這Blog的動向和活動! 如你對Xbox 360有問題或意見,可利用這Blog向Microsoft反映!


1. PX30
2. emptyckl
3. rockerlam
4. SPL1988
5. Oo 57WinG oO
6. EDwardsss
7. SoloMonster1013
8. ahpopoo
9. manman1611
10. janonvacation


Frontlines: Fuel of War『決戰火線』問答遊戲

Xbox.com 讀者享有的專利,THQ 和Xbox 的限量珍藏版「決戰火線」T-Shirt 贈品!你只需要答中以下的問題就有機會穿上這件限量珍藏版的T-Shirt 了!

1. 「決戰火線:能源危機」是不是 Xbox 360 獨佔的遊戲?
2. 在成立 Kaos Studios 之前,遊戲開發者曾參過與其他著名射擊遊戲的製作,請列出其中一人的全名。
3. THQ 是什麼名稱的縮寫﹖提示:跟電動遊戲完全沒關係的啊!

將你的答案,玩家代號(Gamertag)和聯絡地址在 2008年 5月 16日前電郵到 acontest@microsoft.com 就有機會贏取珍藏紀念版「決戰火線」 T-Shirt 一件!優勝者將於 2008年 5月 23日在 Xbox.com 上公佈。比賽規則

Condemned 2 己經推出

Condemned 2經己推出。售價為HK$299


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gears of War 2 最新遊戲影片



Gears of War 2將於今年秋天推出。