Monday, December 31, 2007

Kingdom Under Fire 好玩,好爽,好過癮

原本想在假期全攻Mass Effect,但見Kingdom Under Fire價錢回落,Live又有好多friends玩,就決定入手。

嘩,這個game的毒性真勁!Game的性質=三國無雙+Diablo+Monster Hunter。其實只當4人版“三國”己經好吸引。現在還加上Diablo式的人物升級,武器升級;再加Monster Hunter式的Boss大戰。唔中毒都幾難!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Xbox 360高清能力


Xbox360不但可以出原生1080p畫面,更可以upscale一些原本只是對應720p/1080i的game去1080p。但如是PS3的話(沒有內置upscale功能)就只能用番720p去玩。Rainbow 6就係一個好例子,原生720p畫面,PS3就只能用720p(1080畫面超"爛"),Xbox360則可以用720p/1080i/1080p!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Xbox 360動作感應手把確認!改良型新手把研發中

跟據著名網站TeamXbox報道,微軟正在進行遊戲輸入設備多樣化的研發。TeamXbox表示,他們可以確認微軟在過去2年間一直沒有間斷過對遊戲輸入設備多樣化的研發。他們還透露,微軟的這個研發項目共包含兩個方向,首先是使用以視覺呈像為基礎的識別技術的遊戲設備,這就是現在大家看到的Xbox 360數碼攝像頭。而另外一個,就是以動作感應為核心的遊戲控制器,其性能類似於微軟的Freestyle Pro和PS3的六軸手把。

Friday, December 28, 2007

下星期Live Arcade - Metal Slug 3(越南大戰3)

SNK街機射擊大作Metal Slug 3(越南大戰3)將於下星期Live Update時開始發售。售價800points。

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day Special - 折禮物日


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Season Greetings 聖誕快樂

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I'm looking forward to spending some time with family and friends, partying, and getting some exciting presents (hint: 360 games!)

祝所有Xbox 360 fans聖誕快樂!

Monday, December 24, 2007

紐約時報 - Mass Effect是2007年Game of the Year

睇黎Xbox 360今年會是大豐收!繼之前BioShock奪得Spike TV的Game of the Year大獎,紐約時報昨天又選出它的Game of the Year,不過這次不是BioShock,而系Mass Effect。BioShock則奪得Best Newcomer獎。

Mass Effect大電影

最近忙於工作,買了Mass Effect幾個星期都未開。眼見聖誕和新年假期,作晚決定開始玩。吾玩由自可,一玩就由11:00pm玩到4:00am。個game就好似一套戲,我吾系指港式王晶種,而系Hollywood史詩式大作。遲些我會再作詳情玩後報告,現在先送上這game的trailer。

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Devil May Cry 4 - Gloria出場片段

預計推出日期在08年2月。終於可以在Xbox 360享受Capcom這高水準game!

消息 - 高達無雙已經推出


Saturday, December 22, 2007

PGR4 - 被忽略的勁game

我很多香港xboxer朋友都沒有玩過PGR4,相信你們正沈醉於COD4 / Fifa 08 / KUF 之中。其實這game的水準很高,走arcade+kudo路線。這集更收錄了澳門東望洋跑道,喜歡賽車的xboxer真的不要錯過!

Burnout Paradise 試玩版

Burnout Paradise 試玩版已出,玩法是 NFS Most Wanted + Test Drive Unlimited。雖然是EA作品,但這系列以前的水準很高,這集應可期待。

Friday, December 21, 2007

Gears of War 香港決戰賽

於12月30日,Microsoft及PCGameWave會聯合舉辦Gears of War決戰賽。雖然是用PC version,但為了方便玩家,今次比賽將支援Xbox 360 有線∕無線手掣。詳情如下:

Xbox 360高清流動列車

隨著2008年香港推行高清電視廣播,高清娛樂熱潮續漸流行。為迎接數碼高清新時代的降臨,微軟將推出全港首部「Xbox 360高清流動列車」,並於12月21日舉行列車啟動禮及為高清巡迴活動揭幕。屆時,微軟香港有限公司娛樂及設備事業部總監黃鉅添先生將聯同演藝紅星演藝紅星Rosemary,陸詩韻及動漫Maggie主持啟動儀式。模界Rosemary, 電視界陸詩韻及動漫界Maggie高清聲色藝大比拼,化身「高清女郎」,以透視裝亮相,展示高清勢力。

微軟「Xbox 360高清流動列車」將於12月21起至2月29日期間於全港各地行駛,為市民提供免費的高清娛樂。列車將設有高清流動影院,播放超過15套HD DVD電影,包括最新的高清電影《叛諜追擊3:最後通牒》、《變形金剛》等;另外,車內特設多部Xbox 360試玩台,讓市民可試玩最新的高清遊戲,免費享受高清娛樂。

活動詳情如下:【Xbox 360高清流動列車】啟動禮
日 期:2007年12月21日(星期五)
時 間:下午2時30分
地 點:灣仔皇后大道東1號太古廣場第3期地下(近星街門口) (金鐘AMC戲院往灣仔方向步行5分鐘)
- 微軟香港有限公司娛樂及設備事業部總監黃鉅添先生
- 演藝紅星Rosemary,陸詩韻及動漫Maggie

Thursday, December 20, 2007

消息 - 兩日系Games已經有售

Guilty Gear 2 : Overture 平均售價 HK$430

Smash Court Tennis 3 平均售價 HK$290

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fifa 08 玩後感

很感動!今年Fifa系列真的進步不少。過往只給人畫面好、遊戲性差的Fifa,今年作出了很多突破。遊戲性方面,今次很注重team work的重要性,每次進攻的時候都要考慮隊友位置。而當有機會作個人突破時,你也可以用right stick動作過人,操控性無疑!Live方面,Fifa也有很多mode支援Live。Fifa今年更加了5vs5 Live對戰,現在終於可以同網友一起組織攻勢,很感動!

真的要玩過Fifa 08後才知道它的過人之處。

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Buy HD-DVD player, get 3 HD-DVD discs FREE

Broadway Electronics now has a promotion for the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player deal. When buying the HD-DVD player, you will get 3 HD-DVD discs, absolutely FREE. The titles are Transformers, The Bourne Ultimatum, and Joey Yung Safari Concert. Finally, you can enjoy Transformers in true HD.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Crazy pricing for KUF

It has been a week already, but I still haven't pick up a copy of Kingdom Under Fire. Why? The pricing has been pumped up ridiculously high, from MSRP HK$299 to HK$450! Since this game is published by Microsoft the price should be set at standard HK$299. I really hope Microsoft can take a closer look at the retail level as this will hamper the business growth for the Xbox 360.

Xbox 360 Christmas Event at Times Square

Just last month we had our X07 event held in Shatin, which we were treated with new in-game footage of highly anticipated titles such as Lost Odyssey and Ninja Gaiden II. We now have another Xbox 360 event, this time held in Times Square at CWB. I have taken some photos of the event.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ace Combat 6 - Co-op battle a demo?

I just played through the co-op battles in Ace Combat 6 and found that there are only 2 missions. It seems to me more like a demo than a full feature. Is this just a preview for a real co-op battle to come? It's a shame because I think this is the best multiplayers mode in xbox live.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Breaking News - Two Worlds now available!

Two Worlds the RPG is spotted in several game shops in Mongkok. This one really is a surprise as it is once rumored to be cancelled. This month is really great for Xbox 360 RPG fans, as Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, and Two Worlds all released within the month.

Breaking News - Kingdom Under Fire in stock now!

Just got reports from HMV in TST and CWB, Kingdom Under Fire is now available at HK$299. I'm going to pick this up after work. I will post some early impression tonite.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

BioShock won Game of the Year

BioShock has just won Game of the Year award in the 5th annual VGA last Friday. Other candidates include The Orange Box, Mass Effect, and Halo 3. All of these titles are available for the Xbox 360. BioShock also earned Best Xbox 360 Game award.

Monday, December 10, 2007

GTA IV - Trailer #3 "Move up, Ladies"

The game is set to release in the 2nd quarter of 2008. Here is the latest trailer named "Move up, Ladies". Here it shows a bit of the backdrop for the game setting.

Assassin's Creed review

My first ever Xbox 360 review is Assassin's Creed. To tell you the truth, I was not expecting too much from this game after its recent previews and the fact that it was released with other greater hits like COD4 and Mass Effect didn't help either. However, it turned out that Assassin's Creed can hold on its own with its unique settings and gameplay mechanisms. The first time I played the game I was amazed with the superb art design quality in a very believable ancient settings. The only shortfall is that all missions played out the same. I'm sure based on the reception this game received a sequel is inevitable.

Graphic: 9/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Lifespan: 7/10
X-factor: 8/10

Final score : 8/10

Why no NHL08 love?

I'm a hockey fan, and I'm proud of it. However, watching the others in America and Europe playing the game truly hurt... Why not release this great hockey game in Asia? At least we had a Korean version last year? Why not this year too?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

You can win a trip to see the NBA All-Stars game

Xbox 360 has teamed up with NBA and 2K sports for the 2nd Annual "NBA 2K8 Asia Championship". The winner can go to the US in February 2008 to see the NBA All-Stars game, meet NBA stars, and complete with the US NBA 2K8 champion. Go here for details.

Fall update now Live

The 2007 fall dashboard update is now available for all connected Xbox 360 consoles. Detailed features and enhancements are listed here in English and Chinese.

GTA IV confirmed for HK

GTA IV has just been listed in Xbox HK site and this means it will be released in Hong Kong in official "Asian Edition". Based on recent release history of 2K games in Hong Kong, it seems that Microsoft has taken the publisher job once again. This also means that the game will be released the same time as the "American Edition".

HK Xboxer blog launches

Hello xboxers around the world, especially those who live in Hong Kong. HK Xboxer blog is officially "live" and we are trilled with it. We are here to give you all xbox news in Hong Kong and nearby areas, as we mainly focus on the asia region for the xbox. Of course we also have game reviews, weekly pools, market trends, mini-walkthroughs, and much more. So come here often to get your xbox fever fix in no time!